The Rafah Foundation is a centre for children in difficulty located in the city of Douala (economic capital of Cameroon). This centre is promoted by a big-hearted woman named Mrs. Tonga Eps. Menanga Marie Rose, a specialised educator. The Centre takes care of children with:
Trisomy: Congenital disease that gives the victim a physical and mental deficiency.
Autism: A neuro-developmental disorder that leads to isolation, disruption of social interactions, language disorders, non-verbal communication and stereotyped activities with restricted interests.
CP (cerebral palsy): is a brain malformation that occurs before birth when the brain is developing, or a brain injury that occurs before, during or after birth.
In Africa in general and in Cameroon in particular, there is very little care for children with these anomalies and very often they grow up simply by being put on the margins of society, and above all with great suffering.
And the capacity of the centres that exist to help these children, and to take care of them to ensure their education, their future and their development is so low that the number of children that can be accommodated in these centres is very limited.
And even for those who are taken in, the care provided remains very insufficient in view of the needs and assets/acquired.
This is the case of the Rafah Foundation, which can only take in about ten children at the moment, and for these ten children, the centre only manages to meet about 50% of the needs necessary for a care which meets the expectations and needs of the children in its care.
Another desolation in view of their reduced capacities and lack of sponsors is that even when parents would be able to finance the care of their children, the lack of space remains a problem which can still force the child to stay at home, all the more so as this type of specialised centres are almost non-existent in some African countries or far too few!
On the other hand, sometimes the problem is more that there is space but the parent is unable to pay the strict minimum necessary for the supervision of his child and yet a real sponsorship of such a centre could very quickly solve the problem, if only for the capacity already available.
Aware of all this, we have decided to accompany the Rafah centre as a partner but also as a promoter of their activities in the search for other partners.
The Rafah centre has given us in 2020 their FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 2019-2020 visible below:
This FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 2019-2020, which shows the Rafah centre’s expenditures at the end of the 2019 fiscal year, already reveals an extreme lack of funding to meet certain needs, yet it is impossible to meet their objectives.
Moreover, this financial capacity, which has made it possible to cover the expenses shown in the table, remains very unstable and often varies downwards according to the information received from the centre.
We have also received their PROVISIONAL DRAFT ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET which presents details of the centre’s current needs based on the current reception capacity, as shown below:
This FORWARD PROJECT OF THE ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET clearly reveals that there is a shortfall of 5.456.000 Fcfa or about 8400 Euro which represents 58.33% of the budget which is still unsatisfied.
One of the main aims of the Christ love association is to enable initiatives such as the Rafah Centre to achieve their goals and thus together, through the Love of Christ, to bring life to the world.
If you share our vision, and wish to make a donation or become a direct partner of the Rafah Centre.
Same, if you share Christ Love’s vision, and wish to make a donation or become a partner of our association, or even become one of us (member) to carry out this mission, then contact us.
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contact us: Click here
Thanks for the good article, I hope you continue to work as well.