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Our vision

Vision and mission of Christ Love 

Christ Love’s vision is subdivided into several categories to help us achieve our goals.

General Mission: 

  • To preach the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST to all Nations
  • Establish Christian churches wherever possible.
  • To evangelize and finance the gospel of JESUS CHRIST throughout the world.
  • To invest massively in social/charitable works in nations that do not yet have a strong and established social system.

Mission in Poor and Underdeveloped Countries:

  • To preach the gospel of JESUS CHRIST and to establish Christian churches there.
  • To evangelize and finance the gospel of JESUS CHRIST
  • Investing massively in social/charitable works (Handicapped Center, Orphanage, Schools, Hospitals…etc.)

Mission in Rich and Developed Countries with a Strong Social System:

  • To preach the gospel of JESUS CHRIST and to establish Christian churches there.
  • To evangelize and finance the gospel of JESUS CHRIST
  • To invest in helping people living on the street to reintegrate into society.
  • Investing massively in works of Christian Art and Culture or those with a Christian vision (Christian Museum, Christian Restaurant du Coeur, House of transits for the reconversion and integration into society of the homeless, etc.).

Mission in the life of Individuals:

  • Through the Gospel: 

To expose Men of all Nations to the Light and Truth of God and about God who is JESUS CHRIST and through His power the Holy Spirit. To enable them to acquire eternal life which consists in believing in God and in Him whom He sent into the world who is JESUS-CHRIST John 17:3.

  • Through Social /Caritative Works:

To help disabled people of all types to be able to have a decent and fulfilling life, and to be easily integrated into society by creating the infrastructures that are adapted to them for their schooling, training, and life. In short, to practice the pure and taskless religion according to James 1:27.

Build hospitals in countries in need.

We also expect to be able to offer scholarships and partial or total support to poor people who wish to study but cannot afford to do so. This will be done through financing in existing schools, but above all also in the school infrastructures belonging to Christ Love.

  • Through Works of Art and Culture with a Christian vision:

To further spread the gospel of JESUS CHRIST through this form of evangelism much more accessible to the public, and more discreet and simpler; so as to arouse in people of every origin and background a natural interest in God and His presence, and to continue to win souls for the kingdom of God. Also, to offer work opportunities to a large majority of poor or disabled people…etc. who will be privileged in the jobs created. Example of our very first action in the field  We had the opportunity to have our very first social action in March 2020, by helping a rehabilitation center for children in difficulty (Autistic, Down syndrome), called RAFAH center located in Douala Bonamoussadi. Our action enabled them to finance the official acquisition procedure of the administrative documents necessary for their operation in all legality. Here is a video of the RAFAH center.