We are Free
The term “Free” or “free church” or “free evangelical association or movement” was originally used to define a Christian church, association, or movement as independent of the state. The church or association and the state are in partnership with each other but are organized as far as possible independently. It should be explicitly mentioned that we do not make party politics, nor do we make recommendations or support parties and their policies. We consider ourselves above all as a free evangelical Christian association, as we are a “voluntary association”. Starting from a voluntary and authentic faith in Jesus Christ and the desire to belong to the association, we admit people into our association, and lead those who are not yet baptized together with partner Christian churches to baptism. In return, all these people can participate voluntarily in the activity of the association and to contribute to its development. In addition, we finance ourselves exclusively through voluntary donations.
We are evangelical
At the center of our association life is the Gospel, the joyful message that eternal salvation can only be received through faith in Jesus Christ. It is the Gospel that holds us together and at the same time connects us to Christians of other faiths. Thus, we are historically on the ground of the Reformation and consider ourselves part of the church and the worldwide Protestant movement.
We are Pentecostals
The worldwide Pentecostal movement is very diverse in its teaching and piety. But all “Pentecostals” were and are known to give the work and activity of the Holy Spirit a central place in their lives of faith. This is also a characteristic of our faith. Furthermore, we see our roots in the feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem when the Holy Spirit was poured out and the original Christian congregation was born (Acts 1 and 2).