Intercession: We hope that through the adhesion of people from all backgrounds, in the medium and long term, we will be able to give birth to other cells. For example, “Christ in Favour of Germany and of the World” who will pray at the base much more for Germany and then for other nations as the Holy Spirit directs. The goal is that more and more all nations will be represented. And once every 6 months, all these cells will meet virtually to pray for the nations of the world according to the urgencies, and for the projects of the association.
Evangelism: We plan to have a team of evangelists that we wish to have more and more every day, and that we will send all over the world with the help of our partners to bring the message of salvation of Jesus Christ, and who will potentially dedicate their lives to evangelism only and then send missionaries who will establish churches where the wonderful message of salvation through JESUS-CHRIST is preached, and by remaining faithful to the Word in the Bible.
Social: Over time we expect to be able to fully finance social projects, which are getting bigger and bigger. As an example of the Project: Rafah Foundation.