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Commitment with the Christ Love association

We have the call of the Lord JESUS-CHRIST and we desire to serve GOD in the most beautiful way, and according to the mandate given to us. This mandate is fully revealed even just through the Name that the Lord JESUS-CHRIST has given by revelation to our association “CHRIST LOVE” as well as the slogan “BRINGS LIFE TO THE WORLD” which sufficiently reveals what we are supposed to bring to the world and in the lives of individuals by revealing GOD’s love to the world through our actions. However, we remain people limited in our knowledge and abilities, and need you; both in things that require intellectual expertise as well as ability. But above all and also your financial and material support to be up to the greatness of our mission which is only at its beginning. This is why we ask you to become partners in this beautiful work which, we hope and believe, will conquer the world through the love of Christ; and will remain eternal as the one who originated it (JESUS-CHRIST).

So, if you wish to be a sponsor, a member, a simple sympathizer or even just a volunteer for a given period of time, please choose the form that corresponds to the status you wish to have and fill it in. Thank you for your interest.