In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (and everything that exists) (Genesis 1:1).
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Genesis 1:27)
Comment: This is why Man (man and woman) is the most intelligent living being of all, capable of creating like God. He who has dominion over all other living beings (Genesis 1:24-31). Thus, God had just begotten a Son by creating Man, unlikely everything He had already created.
However, before creating heaven, earth, everything physical that exists, and then Man, God had servants to whom He had given a spiritual nature; these are the Angels. However, one of them rebelled against God and tried to take the throne of God, but he failed and was driven out of God’s presence. As he left, he dragged with him several other angels who had joined him in his rebellion. (Revelation 12; Ezekiel 28:13-17; Isaiah 14:12-14).
God has a nature of light, love, holiness, purity, justice, discipline, humility and power, and everything that lives in His presence reflects this nature; just like the moon and the stars that shine like the sun, just by reflection of the sunlight, and not because these stars are themselves sources of light, and that is the case of the Angels; their splendor is simply a reflection of God’s nature, because they live permanently in the natural, full, and real presence of God! So, when this angel in the name of Lucifer, which means Angel of Light, was driven out of the presence of God, he took together with those who had followed him the contrary nature of the Light which are: darkness, hatred, lies, injustice, pride, evil in all its forms and manifestations! Not because such a nature necessarily already existed, but simply according to a simple principle: cold does not exist, it is simply the absence of heat. Darkness did not exist because it is simply the absence of light. Evil did not exist because it is simply the absence of good; but darkness and evil unfortunately exist today, because this angel and his army now represent darkness and evil. They are condemned to dwell there for all eternity, and have resolved to practice evil exclusively, to destroy all of God’s creation, so evil is now conditioned in them! Lucifer, yesterday angel of Light, the highest of all angels, has become forever satan the king of darkness and evil! He wanted at all costs and at all costs to become a king; he has become!
That angel called today satan or the devil and who remains a spiritual being, when God created man in his image and he (satan) realized that man is God’s most beloved creature; he resolved to do everything to destroy man! But above all, to do everything so that God also rejects man as he was rejected by him! In order to achieve his goals, he had to push man to disobey God as he himself had done. Unfortunately, coming in the form of a serpent deceived Man (the man and the woman), Man listened to him, and disobeyed God and fell victim to part of the devil’s curse; this curse is separation from God, suffering and then death, yet Man was not destined to die, but to live eternally as God, and with God (Genesis 3).
God, however, had an inordinate love for man that remains to this day. And for this reason, God had already foreseen since the creation of time, earth and heaven, a means to save man if ever he would fall, and had also foreseen conditions that could allow Man, even though he fell, not to be totally separated from God for eternity as is the case with lucifer/the devil. However, from the fall of Man, and the separation from God, a suffering arose in the heart of God and he decided to come himself to free Man from this curse (suffering and death) which could only be broken by the Creator who has neither beginning nor end, who is neither born or created, nor can die or be destroyed. But God does not come immediately, so that man has time to realize through the manifestation of this curse in his life, that living far from God, out of God’s presence, is a real nightmare. This explains all the sufferings of man through diseases, wars, and all that we observe in this world of negativity against man. The goal being that all men of their own free will accept to return to God if the occasion arises, because God is not a dictator, each man decides for himself what is good for him.
When the moment arrived for God to come and save Man, he decided to come in the complete nature/envelope that he had himself given to Man in the beginning, so that Man would not only feel reassured, but also to further reveal his attachment to Man, and to let Man known in a more visible and palpable way, what was his will when he created Man in his image; “that of being a father to Man”. It was then that God came to save Man in the nature of man called JESUS, and in this nature, God is called God the Son, for he was born not of a man and a woman like you and me, but of the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit). That is to say, as far as the man JESUS is concerned, he was not born from the mating of a man and a woman like you and me (no sperm has fertilized any ovum because there was no sexual intercourse!); but God has just chosen among Men a couple who will be his parents, a man who will be his father (Joseph) and a woman who will be his mother (Mary). Joseph and Mary were not yet married, but just engaged to be married. Mary loved and respected the Lord God; that is why, not yet being married, she had never had sex before. So, when God decided to make her a MOTHER CARRIER for JESUS, He sent an Angel to tell her, but also to her fiance Joseph, who was an exemplary man in all things, and who knew and loved God; so that he would not leave Mary, his fiancee, for fear of betrayal. This Angel is called the Angel Gabrielle. (Luke 1:26-38 and Matthew 1:18-25).
God in his plan to come and save man from the situation in which he had put himself by the disobedience of the very first man Adam and his wife Eve; and in order that all men may be saved, those who lived before, during and after JESUS, decide to live a life of man through the person of JESUS ; the purpose being during this life, to accept to suffer on behalf of all! All the sufferings that men of all nations, races and generations were going to suffer because of the curse that weighs on all humanity. The purpose being to pay the ransom that every man owes to the devil by inheriting the consequences of the disobedience of the very first man, for from now on, disobedience, rebellion, and all forms of evil are the exclusive property of the devil; so that whoever practices them must pay taxes to the devil. But more importantly, JESUS had to face death and come out victorious from the tomb, as a proof of having dominated and overcome the power of death, so that death has no more power over all those who have waited for him, received him and will accept him (Isaiah 52:13-15; Isaiah 53:1-12).
That is why after having suffered all forms of suffering, JESUS DIED, descends into hell to face the power of death, and on the third day he rises from hell, overcoming the power of death and RESUSCITATED from the dead. Therefore, everyone who accepts him in his life is sure that after death his soul and spirit will not go to the dark and shadowy Sheol, but to the kingdom of light, of goodness and righteousness, the kingdom of God. Until the body is resurrected and the earth is regenerated/recreated. It is also why contrary to all other religions that exist on earth, and where Man is asked to save himself by doing more good actions than evil, and certain number of prayers per day and other things that are obligatory and indispensable to be saved, he who accepts to become a Christian (follows JESUS-CHRIST) is saved justly by the love of God which he manifested to us by his death (the death of JESUS-CHRIST) on the cross. This is what justifies us, because a fault already paid, can no longer be condemned! JESUS died for all men (all those who accept to belong to him)! He who accepts him has no effort to do, to be saved and yet his salvation is assured! because it is a simple gift of God out of love to the man who accepts it. However, as far as good or evil is concerned, the one who truly accepts JESUS does not just seek to do good, he receives the nature that JESUS Himself had and continues to have, the nature of God, the nature of good (We speak of the new birth, because God gives us His nature by putting His Holy Spirit in us). Such a person who is truly born again with all his heart; (which is repentance, and the acceptance of JESUS CHRIST as LORD AND Savior) does not make any effort to do good, but naturally does good all the rest of his life, because of his nature which is good in person. Moreover, the mistakes that a born-again person can commit (because he remains for the moment a man who may have weaknesses), are justified by JESUS‘ death on the cross, which he accepted and recognized as his LORD and SAVIOUR. No spiritual consequences fall on her, but they are each time absorbed by the cross, which allows such a person to keep the spiritual nature of a saint. This is why Christians are called Saints among men. (Romans 3:21-31; Romans 4:5, 6, 7).
Now, if men were to be saved by the difference between the amount of good and evil, they could have done during their life on earth, which man would be sure to be saved? Who can know exactly and be able to count all the good and evil he would have done on earth and be sure that he will be saved (Romans 3:1-20)? This is one reason for the fear and frustration observed in other religions. And worse still, what about one who has lived in lies, slander, violence, prostitution, adultery, fornication, theft, rape and all kinds of evil until the age of 50 and realizes that he has lived badly and wants to repent, and furthermore realizes that he has cancer and will not be able to live for more than 3 years? Is there a way for him in 3 years to do enough good to make up for the evil he has done for 50 years…? For other beliefs and religions he has no chance! because salvation has to be earned in any other religion and belief other than the Christian faith! and even when other beliefs and religions talk about forgiveness, they don’t believe in it! because their God has never proved his love to them by abandoning his throne, by lowering himself to the level of his creature, by suffering the worst suffering that even his creature has ever suffered, and by dying on the cross in humiliation just with the sole purpose of saving his creature. Only JESUS-CHRIST did it! He who in reality was God. Doesn’t a Man like the one cited in the above example deserve a second chance if he repents with all his heart? For men this is clearly a No! Despite his weakened state through old age and illness, he would still be condemned to death, although nature itself has already condemned him, but what would be the difference between God and men if he is not able to surpass the limits of men? To forgive where all men refuse or are unable to forgive? That is why JESUS died for all men even more for sinners (those who have done much evil and wish to come to their senses) and he says in Luke 5:31-32 “And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. »
If you have read this text, know that accepting JESUS is the most beautiful decision you would have made during your whole life because, the body dies, stops functioning, but the spirit and the soul remain and return either to the Creator if the soul has accepted the Creator, but goes away from the Creator if it has rejected the Creator. And life always has two sides: either the top or the bottom, either the left or the right, either the front or the back, either the light or the darkness, either the good or the bad, either the joy or the suffering, etc. There is no middle. And it is impossible for man to be on both sides at the same time – you have to choose! And God; the true God who opens your eyes on the truth today, the one who is still called: The Way, the Truth and the Life (JESUS-CHRIST) proposes you to follow him because he wants to save you and because he loves you. Do not ignore him! Do not put off until tomorrow because no man who goes to bed is sure to get up the next day. To give one’s life to God by accepting JESUS-CHRIST as LORD AND SAVIOR when one has understood what is at stake must be an emergency! John 14.
If you have resolved in your heart to give your life to JESUS-CHRIST, I invite you to make this prayer:
Lord God Almighty, Creator of heaven, earth and all that exists. My Creator, I come today to you in the name of your son JESUS-CHRIST whom I now accept as my Lord and Savior, repenting of all my sins; of all that I have said, thought, and manifested, from my birth until today and which has not honored you. I have sinned and rebelled against Your will, I have often practiced evil against myself and against my neighbor, I have thus turned away from Your ways and rejected Your word, the gospel of the kingdom of heaven and salvation contained in the Bible. I ask You with all my heart, forgiveness! Take me to the loan of You, into Your house, Your Father’s house, and now my Father too, where there is rest and joy. I make a commitment today to belong to you, O GOD, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, to you and to you alone! Please free me from every form of curse and grant me your HOLY SPIRIT, so that from now on I may know how to follow your ways, recognize where you are present without difficulty, know how to resist every form of sin and keep your holy nature. Today I accept to recognize your love manifested to humanity and to my person by your death, O JESUS, on the cross. I believe that your blood shed for humanity and for myself purifies me from all my sins, and I believe that your resurrection from the dead is the assurance of eternal life which you grant me today through this prayer. Reveal yourself personally to me and to my heart, and take me with you, if you ever come to seek your church while I am still on this earth. Use me according to your will and give me the grace to have good teachers of your word wherever I may go, as well as brothers who truly have a heart for you.
It is in the Name of JESUS CHRIST that I have asked you for all these things.
Welcome to the house of the Lord. If you have read and repeated this prayer in your heart and with all your heart, then today you are a new creature. Through this prayer JESUS CHRIST has just breathed His HOLY SPIRIT upon you.
The Bible states in 2 Corinthians 5:17,” Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. ”
And in John 20:22 it is written, written “And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost” this is what has just happened to you if you have read this prayer and repeated it with conviction and sincerity in your heart.
And if this is the case know that at this very moment a feast is being held in the kingdom of heaven in your honor, to rejoice in the fact that you are now a blessed being among men, and that God is rejoicing with the angels at the new birth of one of His children. In fact, before you were just a creature of God, but now you have become His child by the power of your decision! John 1:12 “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” You have just been born of his HOLY SPIRIT as JESUS CHRIST was born of the HOLY SPIRIT. That is why it is written in Luke 15:10 “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”
To better understand the new birth, you can read John 3, it talks about a man named Nicodemus who asks Jesus about the new birth.
He who is born again no longer lives in sin! This is how you prove that you are truly born again.
Now that you have taken this step, it is important that you seek to belong to a community of Christians, (A church) where faith is based exclusively on the word of God (The Bible) and not on other books, other manuals, doctrines that are not supported by the word of God in the Bible … etc. This is also why you must have a Bible yourself, read it daily, to make sure that everything you are taught is based on the scriptures.
In Hebrews 1:1-3 it says “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;”
In the house of God (the church) there is very often the manifestation of miracles and many other signs that are there to testify to the presence of God, but the emphasis must be more on His WORD because it is to honour His word that God does all His things. In fact, the WORD is Jesus Christ himself and God does nothing without it/without him, and it has been so from the beginning. You can read John 1 to better understand.
Luke 11:28 JESUS answered, “But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.”
Once you have found a community with which you share your faith, and have grown in your faith, the next step you need to take is to ask to be baptised by immersion in water, because this is how you are baptised in the Bible. It symbolises Jesus’ death and resurrection. Baptism by sprinkling does not exist anywhere in the Bible.
If you are a new convert to JESUS CHRIST and want to be spiritually nourished and learn from this faith that gives you salvation :
Find yourself a Bible, start reading it not from the beginning, i.e. Genesis, but rather through John in the New Testament, because God has always functioned with Man by covenant, and we are now living the covenant with JESUS-CHRIST, which is revealed to us in the New Testament. Another important reason to start with the New Testament is that very often many people take a very important step just by reading this part of the Bible, which is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, as described in Luke 3:15-17 by John. In fact we receive the Holy Spirit as a breath of JESUS-CHRIST coming to give us eternal life when we make the decision to be born again, but we receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit through the deep desire to grow in our relationship with God (to become a disciple of JESUS-CHRIST).
We therefore advise you to read the Bible for a beginning in this order :
John 🡪 Acts 🡪 Hebrews 🡪 Romans 🡪 Then go back to the beginning of the New Testament i.e. Matthew and then read in order forward.
You can also contact us at this address if you have any particular questions or concerns; (For example you are looking for a good church in your area that you could attend and be sure that they faithfully preach the word as revealed in the Bible):
Email: christlove077@gmail; Tel: 0174 903 47 21
We can also recommend you the television channel and online ministries (churches) follow:
Online and Youtube: Christ Embassy, Salvation TV
Local and online churches on Youtube: Emmanuel TV
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