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Our values

  • Fear of God and respect for His will in all things as dictated by the Bible.
  • Favoring a father-child relationship with God who here is our Creator Father, and we are his sons.
  • To privilege a relationship of brother, savior, disciple, and friend with JESUS-CHRIST through whom God grants us salvation.
  • To grow spiritually and act in all things by being faithful to the teachings of faith, love, tolerance, patience, humility, and charity of the Bible.
  • To be at the service of the gospel of JESUS CHRIST.
  • Be open to the supernatural action of the Holy Spirit.
  • Respect our spiritual leadership and the leaders of the church of JESUS CHRIST and support their ministries.
  • To privilege relationships based on love, tolerance, patience, humility and charity toward our neighbor.
  • To be at the service of the weakest in the society of men to enable them to have a better life.
  • To be intercessors for the church of JESUS-CHRIST, peace in the Nations, Leaders, and all men so that they receive the salvation that JESUS-CHRIST brings to humanity.
  • To be an enemy of sin by our lifestyle, but a friend of the sinner by the love of Christ who comes to save the sinner. Luke 5:31-32